In preparation for the 2012 London Olympics, roadwork’s constructing a relief highway unearthed a mass grave containing dozens of headless bodies, buried for hundreds of years. It made an interesting story for the week or so that followed, but as the games drew closer, the discovery blame little more than a blurb to skim past in the side of a tabloid. But you can’t expect to open a grave without some sort of spiritual consequence, let alone one from thousands of years ago, and this was no ordinary graves. it was thought the bodies were victims of a Roman invasion, and they might have been, but that’s not to say they’d been killed for no good reason. The were practitioners of dark forces, who’d peer through flames into hell itself and pull out it’s manifestations. Through the forfeit of their souls and the acceptance of their nature, they’d become both man and beast, the midnight scourge of Europe, the werewolf. Like any other missionary they spread their terms. A whisper through a flickering fire was all it took to bring a man under their control, and as such, the first thing to be done upon their capture was to remove the head, and remove without question the way to speak. And yet the scars of the flesh are forgotten in hell. And released from the grip of the Earth the dead sought a chance to whisper once again. On the 25th of July, 2012, the Olympic torch was lit to an an audience of millions. A week into the event, on the First of August, came the first full moon. As inhuman screams and piercing howls filled the streets around them, the runner ups of the world who’d had a chance to compete could be considered the luckiest men in the world or the most unfortunate, held to their humanity by the silver on their necks.
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