Monday, October 9, 2017


Brooklyn-12 is but one of tens of thousands of planets discovered and complained by the New Colonial Earth, and as tradition holds it bears the hometown name of the commanding officer that first claimed it. Brooklyn-12 is almost entirely untouched by technology and intelligent life, and as a result it’s invaluable resources are untapped and plentiful. The New Colonial Earth was able to successfully auction the planet off to the Global Association for Planet Excavation in one of the most prominent land sales in modern history. The deal was only reached with GAPE claiming a contract of centennial exclusivity and an agreement to utilize NCE forces in their asset and facility protection. Presently, there are three major drilling rigs, two dozen troop encampments and thirty shipping docks on the planet, leaving the vast majority of Brooklyn-12 uninhabited.

Environmentally the planet is warm, ranging from earth-like tropical forests to regions of intense heat moderately past human survivability. It’s believed that the planet was at some point heavily fractured as caverns, ridges, and slight maintain ranges are plentiful in the south and southwestern portions of the planet. Many of these creases are flowing with water that hold a consistent temperature below it’s boiling point but heated enough to give off a high risk for harm. As a result, most of the south and southeastern portions of the planet are inaccessible by foot. The Majority of settlements and mining columns are built on the northwestern isle, a primarily jungle covered mass of land that can be considered most suitable for livability. 

Despite optimal environmental conditions, the GAPE structures are under near constant threat from vicious and territorial wildlife which will in nearly any instant consider unrecognized contact a definite threat. The NCE force on Brooklyn-12 is currently working their way through controlled extinction protocols, but the bright and colorful nature of the planets flora and fauna have required intense specialization in all design and camouflage. Present estimates expect the operation to take around 600,000 lives in clearing the northwest island, a relatively small number considering the potential gain from both GAPE profits and NCE defense costs.