Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Wizard of Oz World Thing

Far above the Land of Oz, resting deep hidden in the clouds a towering copper cage leisurely floats along the air. Once a home for a million bright crimson birds who soon came to long again for the open air, yet had also grown rather fond of the place and as such decided to bring it along as the flew off. The Birdshouse is always moving so no one could really hope to find it, not that they would even know to look for it. But in the rarest occasions, as slim as the odds may be, the stray mountain climber, winged creature, or eccentric inventor in a flying machine comes across the strangest thing as the stand high in the clouds.

The Birdshouse is more than just a home for the cloud of birds that carry it, indeed a small gaggle of travelers and explorers have found their way into the cage as well. Much like the birds, these travelers found themselves fairly attached to the place, and have built it into a village to call their own. There’s no kings or wizards, governors or mayors, nothing like that in the village in the Birdshouse. The birds carry it where they see fit, and the denizens inside are more than happy to let the wind take them.

Among the many establishments you’ll find is a small, colorful little pub tucked between the twelfth and thirteenth bars of the cage. It tends to be as packed as it could get in handmade village stuck in a birdhouse, and the woman behind serving the crowd never misses a beat. Her name is Get, she's tall and built like a ox, and draped in a feathered coat like so many others who call the Birdshouse their home. Born and raised in the mountains in the the north of the munchkin lands, she lived climbing cliffs, seeking the purest water from the highest peaks, prime for making the sweetest drinks. Sure enough one of her trips through the mountains brought her to the doorstep of the house for birds, and gave her the opportunity to brew from the sky itself. Each day her patrons fill her bar to enjoy a cup of cloud, shoo off  and celebrate another day floating through the air.

For a village carried in the sky the populace tends to be rather rough and burly, a side effect of both the work it takes to get to such a place and the work it takes to keep a living going there. If you ever find yourself an item short on your way home, theres a chance one of the Birdshouse's many flying fisherman plucked it off of you as they passed overheard. You can't entirely blame them, it's the only way to really get anything done up there. every home, every chair, every single piece of furniture in the cage is shoddily, but carefully, hooked together from bits and pieces from the land of Oz. A big metal birds nest of homes in a big metal birdcage being carried by a big bunch of birds.